CARLA Talks 2020

A set of talks by the CARLA team covering a wide range of subjects in CARLA.

Posted by @sergi-e on June 09, 2020

The CARLA team is here, and it has a lot to say!

In order to make it easier to keep up with all the changes in CARLA, the team has prepared a set of talks which cover a wide range of subjects. The talks have been uploaded to Youtube, and the slides are available to everybody for download.

Let’s take a look!

  • Art improvements: environment and renderingvideo | slides
    Learn more about the evolution of graphics in CARLA, the process to achieve this, and the new parametrization of weather and lights.
  • Core implementations: synchrony, snapshots and landmarksvideo | slides
    Review of some important core elements of the API: the synchronous mode, simulation snapshots and everything about the new landmarks to access OpenDRIVE signals.
  • Data ingestionvideo | slides
    Follow an in-depth explanation of the automatic ingestion process for maps, and other assets, depending on how are you running CARLA (from a package or a build from source).
  • Pedestrians and their implementationvideo | slides
    Grasp everything regarding pedestrians, from navigation to animation, and the great upgrade to come.
  • Sensors in CARLAvideo | slides
    Take notes on the full potential of some of the CARLA sensors and how to customize these.
  • Improvements in the Traffic Managervideo | slides
    A detailed walkthrough for the TM module. Learn how to create traffic situations and the implementation details that allow their definition.
  • Integration of Autoware and ROSvideo | slides
    Find out how does CARLA communicate with Autoware and ROS, and how the integration is achieved by creating bridges between those.
  • Introducing ScenarioRunnervideo | slides
    Start creating scenarios and routes to train or validate your AD stacks using the ScenarioRunner module.
  • OpenSCENARIO supportslides
    Check the specifics for the support of the OpenSCENARIO standard in ScenarioRunner.
  • Co-Simulations with SUMO and PTV-Vissimvideo | slides
    Run a co-simulation with CARLA using different traffic simulators and profit from the best in each other.
  • Integration of RSS-libslides
    Discover how the Responsive Sensitive Safety standard has been integrated in CARLA and what it brings to the table.
  • The External Sensor Interface (ESI)video | slides
    Catch up with the new simulator for electromagnetic sensors, a bet on accuracy and flexibility.
  • The OpenDRIVE Standalone Modevideo | slides
    Run your own maps in CARLA using nothing but a XODR file. Load huge maps with an automatically generated mesh for vehicles and walkers to navigate through.

We hope these talks will ease the understanding of CARLA and what it has to offer. Having users’ best interest in mind, we would like these talks to set the path for more CARLA content.

For now, enjoy the talks! There is much more to come!