Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #define _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI 0
5 #include <string>
10 #include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipant.hpp>
11 #include <fastdds/dds/publisher/Publisher.hpp>
12 #include <fastdds/dds/topic/Topic.hpp>
13 #include <fastdds/dds/publisher/DataWriter.hpp>
14 #include <fastdds/dds/topic/TypeSupport.hpp>
16 #include <fastdds/dds/domain/qos/DomainParticipantQos.hpp>
17 #include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantFactory.hpp>
18 #include <fastdds/dds/publisher/qos/PublisherQos.hpp>
19 #include <fastdds/dds/topic/qos/TopicQos.hpp>
21 #include <fastrtps/attributes/ParticipantAttributes.h>
22 #include <fastrtps/qos/QosPolicies.h>
23 #include <fastdds/dds/publisher/qos/DataWriterQos.hpp>
24 #include <fastdds/dds/publisher/DataWriterListener.hpp>
27 namespace carla {
28 namespace ros2 {
29  namespace efd = eprosima::fastdds::dds;
30  using erc = eprosima::fastrtps::types::ReturnCode_t;
33  efd::DomainParticipant* _participant { nullptr };
34  efd::Publisher* _publisher { nullptr };
35  efd::Topic* _topic { nullptr };
36  efd::DataWriter* _datawriter { nullptr };
37  efd::TypeSupport _type { new tf2_msgs::msg::TFMessagePubSubType() };
41  float last_translation[3] = {0.0f};
42  float last_rotation[3] = {0.0f};
45  };
48  if (_impl->_type == nullptr) {
49  std::cerr << "Invalid TypeSupport" << std::endl;
50  return false;
51  }
53  efd::DomainParticipantQos pqos = efd::PARTICIPANT_QOS_DEFAULT;
55  auto factory = efd::DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance();
56  _impl->_participant = factory->create_participant(0, pqos);
57  if (_impl->_participant == nullptr) {
58  std::cerr << "Failed to create DomainParticipant" << std::endl;
59  return false;
60  }
61  _impl->_type.register_type(_impl->_participant);
63  efd::PublisherQos pubqos = efd::PUBLISHER_QOS_DEFAULT;
64  _impl->_publisher = _impl->_participant->create_publisher(pubqos, nullptr);
65  if (_impl->_publisher == nullptr) {
66  std::cerr << "Failed to create Publisher" << std::endl;
67  return false;
68  }
70  efd::TopicQos tqos = efd::TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT;
71  const std::string topic_name { "rt/tf" };
72  _impl->_topic = _impl->_participant->create_topic(topic_name, _impl->_type->getName(), tqos);
73  if (_impl->_topic == nullptr) {
74  std::cerr << "Failed to create Topic" << std::endl;
75  return false;
76  }
78  efd::DataWriterQos wqos = efd::DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT;
79  wqos.endpoint().history_memory_policy = eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
80  efd::DataWriterListener* listener = (efd::DataWriterListener*)_impl->_listener._impl.get();
81  _impl->_datawriter = _impl->_publisher->create_datawriter(_impl->_topic, wqos, listener);
82  if (_impl->_datawriter == nullptr) {
83  std::cerr << "Failed to create DataWriter" << std::endl;
84  return false;
85  }
86  _frame_id = _name;
87  return true;
88  }
92  eprosima::fastrtps::types::ReturnCode_t rcode = _impl->_datawriter->write(&_impl->_transform, instance_handle);
93  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_OK) {
94  return true;
95  }
96  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_ERROR) {
97  std::cerr << "RETCODE_ERROR" << std::endl;
98  return false;
99  }
100  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED) {
101  std::cerr << "RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED" << std::endl;
102  return false;
103  }
104  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER) {
105  std::cerr << "RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER" << std::endl;
106  return false;
107  }
108  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_PRECONDITION_NOT_MET) {
109  std::cerr << "RETCODE_PRECONDITION_NOT_MET" << std::endl;
110  return false;
111  }
112  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES) {
113  std::cerr << "RETCODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES" << std::endl;
114  return false;
115  }
116  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_NOT_ENABLED) {
117  std::cerr << "RETCODE_NOT_ENABLED" << std::endl;
118  return false;
119  }
120  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_IMMUTABLE_POLICY) {
121  std::cerr << "RETCODE_IMMUTABLE_POLICY" << std::endl;
122  return false;
123  }
124  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_INCONSISTENT_POLICY) {
125  std::cerr << "RETCODE_INCONSISTENT_POLICY" << std::endl;
126  return false;
127  }
128  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED) {
129  std::cerr << "RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED" << std::endl;
130  return false;
131  }
132  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_TIMEOUT) {
133  std::cerr << "RETCODE_TIMEOUT" << std::endl;
134  return false;
135  }
136  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_NO_DATA) {
137  std::cerr << "RETCODE_NO_DATA" << std::endl;
138  return false;
139  }
140  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_ILLEGAL_OPERATION) {
141  std::cerr << "RETCODE_ILLEGAL_OPERATION" << std::endl;
142  return false;
143  }
144  if (rcode == erc::ReturnCodeValue::RETCODE_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_SECURITY) {
145  std::cerr << "RETCODE_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_SECURITY" << std::endl;
146  return false;
147  }
148  std::cerr << "UNKNOWN" << std::endl;
149  return false;
150  }
152  void CarlaTransformPublisher::SetData(int32_t seconds, uint32_t nanoseconds, const float* translation, const float* rotation) {
154  int same_translation = std::memcmp(translation, _impl->last_translation, sizeof(float) * 3);
155  int same_rotation = std::memcmp(rotation, _impl->last_rotation, sizeof(float) * 3);
156  if (same_translation != 0 || same_rotation != 0) {
157  std::memcpy(_impl->last_translation, translation, sizeof(float) * 3);
158  std::memcpy(_impl->last_rotation, rotation, sizeof(float) * 3);
160  const float tx = *translation++;
161  const float ty = *translation++;
162  const float tz = *translation++;
164  const float rx = ((*rotation++) * -1.0f) * (M_PIf32 / 180.0f);
165  const float ry = ((*rotation++) * -1.0f) * (M_PIf32 / 180.0f);
166  const float rz = *rotation++ * (M_PIf32 / 180.0f);
168  const float cr = cosf(rz * 0.5f);
169  const float sr = sinf(rz * 0.5f);
170  const float cp = cosf(rx * 0.5f);
171  const float sp = sinf(rx * 0.5f);
172  const float cy = cosf(ry * 0.5f);
173  const float sy = sinf(ry * 0.5f);
175  _impl->vec_translation.x(tx);
176  _impl->vec_translation.y(-ty);
177  _impl->vec_translation.z(tz);
179  _impl->vec_rotation.w(cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy);
180  _impl->vec_rotation.x(sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy);
181  _impl->vec_rotation.y(cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy);
182  _impl->vec_rotation.z(cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy);
183  }
186  time.sec(seconds);
187  time.nanosec(nanoseconds);
189  std_msgs::msg::Header header;
190  header.stamp(std::move(time));
191  header.frame_id(_parent);
194  t.rotation(_impl->vec_rotation);
195  t.translation(_impl->vec_translation);
198  ts.header(std::move(header));
199  ts.transform(std::move(t));
200  ts.child_frame_id(_frame_id);
201  _impl->_transform.transforms({ts});
202  }
204  CarlaTransformPublisher::CarlaTransformPublisher(const char* ros_name, const char* parent) :
205  _impl(std::make_shared<CarlaTransformPublisherImpl>()) {
206  _name = ros_name;
207  _parent = parent;
208  }
211  if (!_impl)
212  return;
214  if (_impl->_datawriter)
215  _impl->_publisher->delete_datawriter(_impl->_datawriter);
217  if (_impl->_publisher)
218  _impl->_participant->delete_publisher(_impl->_publisher);
220  if (_impl->_topic)
221  _impl->_participant->delete_topic(_impl->_topic);
223  if (_impl->_participant)
224  efd::DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->delete_participant(_impl->_participant);
225  }
228  _frame_id = other._frame_id;
229  _name = other._name;
230  _parent = other._parent;
231  _impl = other._impl;
232  }
235  _frame_id = other._frame_id;
236  _name = other._name;
237  _parent = other._parent;
238  _impl = other._impl;
240  return *this;
241  }
244  _frame_id = std::move(other._frame_id);
245  _name = std::move(other._name);
246  _parent = std::move(other._parent);
247  _impl = std::move(other._impl);
248  }
251  _frame_id = std::move(other._frame_id);
252  _name = std::move(other._name);
253  _parent = std::move(other._parent);
254  _impl = std::move(other._impl);
256  return *this;
257  }
258 }
259 }
eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::InstanceHandle_t InstanceHandle_t
eprosima::fastrtps::types::ReturnCode_t erc
void SetData(int32_t seconds, uint32_t nanoseconds, const float *translation, const float *rotation)
This file contains definitions of common data structures used in traffic manager. ...
Definition: Carla.cpp:133
This class represents the structure Header defined by the user in the IDL file.
Definition: Header.h:72
eProsima_user_DllExport void transform(const geometry_msgs::msg::Transform &_transform)
This function copies the value in member transform.
eProsima_user_DllExport void stamp(const builtin_interfaces::msg::Time &_stamp)
This function copies the value in member stamp.
Definition: Header.cpp:131
eProsima_user_DllExport void translation(const geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3 &_translation)
This function copies the value in member translation.
Definition: Transform.cpp:132
This class represents the structure Vector3 defined by the user in the IDL file.
Definition: Vector3.h:71
CarlaTransformPublisher & operator=(const CarlaTransformPublisher &)
eProsima_user_DllExport void header(const std_msgs::msg::Header &_header)
This function copies the value in member header.
This class represents the structure Transform defined by the user in the IDL file.
eProsima_user_DllExport void sec(int32_t _sec)
This function sets a value in member sec.
Definition: Time.cpp:133
eProsima_user_DllExport void nanosec(uint32_t _nanosec)
This function sets a value in member nanosec.
Definition: Time.cpp:161
eProsima_user_DllExport void rotation(const geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion &_rotation)
This function copies the value in member rotation.
Definition: Transform.cpp:169
eProsima_user_DllExport void child_frame_id(const std::string &_child_frame_id)
This function copies the value in member child_frame_id.
const std::string & parent() const
This class represents the structure Time defined by the user in the IDL file.
This class represents the TopicDataType of the type TFMessage defined by the user in the IDL file...
std::shared_ptr< CarlaTransformPublisherImpl > _impl
eProsima_user_DllExport void frame_id(const std::string &_frame_id)
This function copies the value in member frame_id.
Definition: Header.cpp:168
CarlaTransformPublisher(const char *ros_name="", const char *parent="")
This class represents the structure TFMessage defined by the user in the IDL file.
Definition: TFMessage.h:73
This class represents the structure TransformStamped defined by the user in the IDL file...
This class represents the structure Quaternion defined by the user in the IDL file.
Definition: Quaternion.h:70